The Participation in Health Development the Elderly Community According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, Na Yung District, Udon Thani Province

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Cherdchai Chuabundit


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the participation in the development of the health of the elderly in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy, 2) to study the factors that influence the participation in the health development of the elderly The elderly in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy, 3)Guidelines for participation in community health development in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy, Na Yung District, Udon Thani Province The sample group used in the research was voters in Na Yung district. Udon Thani province, consisting of 367 people, the interview 10 people. The instruments used in the research were questionnaires and interviews. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis using hierarchical variable selection method.

          The research found that: 1. The level of participation in community health development based on the sufficiency economy philosophy, Na Yung District, Udon Thani Province Overall, at a moderate level. 2. Level of the factors that influence the participation in the health development of the elderly in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy, Na Yung District, Udon Thani Province Overall, at a moderate level. 3. Recommendations for participation in the health development of the community elderly according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy laying out a plan for coordination regarding the health promotion of the elderly in accordance with the principles of the sufficiency economy clearly, with the determination of the coordination on the health promotion of the elderly in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy coordination about community health promotion for the elderly in the preparation of various strategic plans Providing consultation or providing intimacy to help the elderly in the community Participatory form with government agencies, to improve the health of the elderly in accordance with the sufficiency economy and go to practice with the people The community leaders have participated in promoting folk wisdom regarding the promotion of folk wisdom to the elderly. Follow up, evaluate, policy to improve and improve the health of the elderly in the community. Promoting communities and network partners to assess Examine problems, obstacles, and solve problems in elderly health development of communities in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy.

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How to Cite
Chuabundit, C. (2020). The Participation in Health Development the Elderly Community According to the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy, Na Yung District, Udon Thani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 198–208. Retrieved from
Research Article


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