Guidelines for Provision of Food Welfare According Buddhism Way for Prisoners in Lampang Central Prison
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The objectives of the research article were 1) to study needs welfare in side food of the inmates at Lampang Central Prison, 2) to study the suggestions about provision of food welfare according Buddhism way for prisoners in Lampang Central Prison, and 3) to study the guidelines provision of food welfare according Buddhism way for prisoners in Lampang Central Prison. Sample groups are 330 male prisoners. Interviewee group is Executives, and Officials in Lampang Central Prison have amount 30 persons. The device used to collect the information is a questionnaires and interview. The statistics used in this research are mean and standard deviation. The qualitative research uses descriptive analysis.
The research results found that: 1. The food welfare needs of Lampang Central Prison Overall, at high level. 2. The recommendations for providing food welfare according to the Buddhist way for inmates of Lampang Central Prison 1) nutritional value: raw food should be fresh and fresh, not spoiled, food ingredients must be hygienic and meet standards, 2) food quantity: catering food Must be enough to eat, 3) food menu arrangement: There should be a rotating menu of food menus, unique in a week, 4) hygiene: Food containers should be thoroughly washed, 5) banquet venues: care should be taken not to have animals that are carriers of disease. 3. The way of arrangement welfare in side food. In side of nutritional value, Prison should consider raw food for cooking with emphasis on freshness and new and give value nutrition to fully both 5 groups. In side of amount of food, Prison should arrange food and drinking water at clean give sufficient for the body and treatment of hunger. In side of food menu arrangement Prison should consider food menu arrangement rotation unique during the week and consider the food on noodle type alternate with the main food some. In side of hygiene, Prison should consider the cleanliness of the container put food and raw food, and select people cook and catering food at without disease chronic. In side at is the location to banquet, Prison should consider provide has staff to supervise the catering regularly food By focusing on cleanliness and sufficient is importance.
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