The Development of Learning Management Model to Develop Thai Reading for Main Idea Skills Through External Reading, The Book Series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse Consists of 11 Syllables) “The Lost Wisdom”. Thai Language Department, for Prathomsuksa 5 students, Bansakam (Tanwasil) School, Mayo District, Pattani Province

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Sripapat Pongdetwattanapon


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the basic information on the development of learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, 2) to design and develop learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, 3) to try out the learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, 4) to evaluate the usage of the learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, the book series of Kapyanee11, (verse consists of 11 syllables) “The Lost Wisdom”.Thai Language Department, for Prathomsuksa 5 students, Bansakam (Tanwasil) School, Mayo District, Pattani Province. The sampling group comprised 25 Prathomsuksa students. The research tools consisted of external reading, the book series of Kapyanee11,(verse consists of 11 syllables), 10 stories of “The Lost Wisdom”, suitability test, test and satisfaction form.The statistic used percentage, mean and standard deviation, dependent samples t-test and content analysis.

         The results of the research were as follows: 1. According to the study of basic information on the development of learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, the book series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse consists of 11 syllables.) “The Lost Wisdom”. Students pronounced words or sentences wrongly and they also did misspelling due to most of them communicate with local language, caused illegible and misspelling Thai language. Students could not use Thai language correctly according to the grammatical principle of language, affected to studying other subjects. 2. The result of the design and development in learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, the book series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse consists of 11 syllables.) “The Lost Wisdom” which was developed, called SRI-MAA Model, consisted of principle factors as follows: principal, objective, learning process, things for supporting learning and principal of responses, was efficaciously at 93.92/94.03 revealed higher 90/90 than the specified criterion. 3. The result of using try out the learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, the book series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse consists of 11 syllables.) “The Lost Wisdom”.  Students had higher average score of learning achievement statistically significant at .01. The effectiveness was 0.908. 4. The result of evaluation of students’ satisfaction towards learning management model to develop Thai reading for main idea skills through external reading, the book series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse consists of 11 syllables.) “The Lost Wisdom” in overall was at highest level.

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How to Cite
Pongdetwattanapon, S. (2020). The Development of Learning Management Model to Develop Thai Reading for Main Idea Skills Through External Reading, The Book Series of Kapyanee 11, (Verse Consists of 11 Syllables) “The Lost Wisdom”. Thai Language Department, for Prathomsuksa 5 students, Bansakam (Tanwasil) School, Mayo District, Pattani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 372–386. Retrieved from
Research Article


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