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The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the current conditions, desired conditions, and methods to enhance the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et, study the methods to enhance the creative leadership program for teachers of the secondary school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et, and 2) develop the leadership enhancement programs of creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators under the Office of the Secondary Education Service Area Roi Et. That was the research and development. The research was divided into two stages; stage 1) study current conditions and desired conditions of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators. The sample consisted 12 school administrators, 259 teachers, 73 school committees in secondary schools using the stratified random sampling technique. The tool was the questionnaire and the methods of the creative leadership enhancement of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators using the questionnaire. Stage 2) evaluate the appropriateness and feasibility of the leadership enhancement program of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators by 5 experts. The research tool was the questionnaire. The statistics using for data analysis were; consistency index, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and PNIModified.
The research was found that; 1. Current conditions of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators overall were in a medium level. The desired condition of the secondary school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et was in the high level. The methods of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et. The top three listed from the needs of the enhanced methods were seminars, practices and the study visits orderly. 2. The leadership enhancement program of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et consists of 1) the principles and reason 2) the purposes 3) the target group 4) contents which consists 4 modules; module 1) Ideological influences and visions, module 2) motivation, module 3) stimulation of intelligence, module 4) individual considerations 5) implementation which divided into 3 stages; stage 1) training, stage 2) practices, stage 3, study visits and 6) evaluation; the evaluation of the participants was divided into 3 periods of time; pre-development evaluation, during development, post-development evaluation. The evaluation results of the creative leadership for teachers of the secondary school administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Roi Et were in a highest level in overall appropriately and the possibility of the program was at the highest level.
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