The Participation in Solving the Problem of Road Fatalities in the Nayoong District, Udonthani Province

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Pattaya Saengtreesu


          The objectives of the research article were 1) to study participation in solving road traffic death problems, 2) to study the factors of participation in solving road accident deaths, 3) to study opinions on solving problems of road traffic deaths in Nayoong District, Udonthani Province. The sample used for this research was people and civil servants in Nayoong District, Udonthani Province, 392 people. The tool used in the research was a questionnaire and interview from the statistics used for data analysis was frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis by using hierarchical variable selection method.

          The research found that : 1. The Participation in solving the problem of road fatalities in Nayoong District, Udonthani Province, overall dependent variables in all aspects were moderate. 2. Factors for participation in solving road accident deaths in Nayoong District, Udonthani Province, overall variables in all aspects were at the moderate level. 3. Opinions on solving the problem of road accident deaths in Nayoong District, Udonthani Province, drive to be aware of traffic rules and do not drink alcohol while driving. The driver should wear a helmet. Where the law requires and thinks of safety.

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How to Cite
Saengtreesu, P. (2021). The Participation in Solving the Problem of Road Fatalities in the Nayoong District, Udonthani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 560–569. Retrieved from
Research Article


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