The Role and Participation of Village Health Volunteers in the Prevention of COVID-19, Udon Thani Province

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Bunpot Anusri


          The objectives of the research article were to studying levels of role and participation. Influencing factors and guidelines for the development of roles and participation of village health volunteers in the prevention of COVID-19. Udon Thani province. Quantitative research. The sample groups were People with the right to vote in the amount of 400 people. Qualitative research. In the area of Udon Thani Province, number 10 people. The tool used in the research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis was frequency, percentage, multiple regression analysis by using hierarchical variable selection method.

          The research found that : 1. The levels of roles androles and participation of village health volunteers in the prevention of COVID-19 Udon Thani Province Overall, at a moderate level. The weight, significance of factors influencing the role and participation of village health volunteers in the prevention of COVID-19. Udon Thani Province Overall, it was found that government support Local role side, the coefficient of the predictor in the raw score (b) was 0.090, 0.214 respectively. 2. Guidelines Develop the role and participation of village health volunteers. By allowing more public health agencies to operate Increasing incentives for conducting training seriously. Provide adequate tools to perform their duties. Raise roles and participation by creating incentives for action Increase knowledge and skills for the village health volunteers on a regular basis. The public sector provides knowledge and understanding of roles and contributions to be effective in promoting online publicity in accordance with government-assigned policies. And provide comprehensive information services 24 hours a dayPrepare publicity signs Issuing public relations with network partners seriously campaigning for prevention Develop roles and participation of village health volunteers in providing services to the people on an ongoing basis. It also actively promotes the role and participation of village health volunteers in the prevention of COVID-19, efficiency.

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How to Cite
Anusri, B. (2021). The Role and Participation of Village Health Volunteers in the Prevention of COVID-19, Udon Thani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), ุ610–619. Retrieved from
Research Article


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