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Penwipa Panya
Suchat Sukna
Adool Booncham


         This research article aims to study the relationship of love and bond between mothers and child and to develop multimedia works through composite images built from the crib in the bed. Which is what my mother raised in childhood. Using techniques of knitting, weaving, and binding. With the concept of creativity about the story of the relationship between creator and mother. Who gave birth the memories filled with love that a mother gives that come out of the heart and form a bond. As well as cultivating the good culture that is engraved in the mind. There are ways to do creativity by gathering information from the environment. These include experiences that have touched and are connected to the Isan rural lifestyle. Growing in a family and a warm, loving environment in the midst of an environment where people live with folk wisdom. Information from the document on the importance of the relationship between mother and child, cultural traditions, patterns of life that have been planted since childhood. And influence from art works of Metta Suwanasorn and Cal Lane. Analyze the data to find the clarity of the storyline, symbol shape and techniques. Carry out creative operations according to the principles of visual arts. To meet the concept Is a work that has its own characteristics.

          The results of the study showed that 1.) To study the relationship of love and bond between mother and child, it was found that warmth, pure love Represents the greatness of a mother who has given her child as if every thing in life.2.)to create works Mixed media art installation conveys the bond of bonding through the shape of Equipment for raising children such as mosquito nets, mattresses, mattresses, which are woven, tied, and tied into shapes that represent symbols according to the feelings of the creators. Found that creative works respond to the concept. Conveys emotions, feelings, love, and the warm bond between mother and child through the development of creative works that are more complete and clear.

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How to Cite
Panya, P., Sukna, S., & Booncham, A. (2023). CREATION OF VISUAL ARTS ON THE STORY OF THE BOND BETWEEN MOTHER AND CHILD. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 113–123. Retrieved from
Research Article


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