Participation of Network Partners in the Prevention and Reduction of Community Accidents in Nong Mek Subdistrict, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province

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Mayuree Bathcharee


           The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the participation of network partners in the prevention and reduction of community accidents, 2) to analyze the factors influencing the participation of network partners to prevent and reduce accidents, 3) to present the participation of network partners in the prevention and reduction of community accidents in Nong Mek Subdistrict, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province. The tool used in the research was a questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis were mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis by using hierarchical variable selection method.

          The research found that: 1. The participation of network partners in the prevention and reduction of community accidents in Nong Mek Sub-district, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province, overall at a moderate level. 2. Factors Influencing Network Participation in Accident Prevention and Reduction in Nong Mek Sub-district, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province. Overall, the coefficient of the predictor in raw score was .596, .358, .220, respectively. 3. Recommendations for the participation of network partners in the prevention and Reduce accidents in the community,  Nong Mek Sub-district, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province, use the car and road recklessly, be mindful and concentrate on driving, obey traffic rules, implement laws and apply law enforcement in the community, create reckless driving behavior or actions. Do not use your phone while driving by studying the traffic manual and traffic laws, driving according to the traffic rules Understand how to use laws to prevent and reduce accidents in the community Publicize the responsibility to the community, change the attitude to create a culture, comply with traffic laws in safe driving, prevent accidents, create awareness and safety along with relevant agencies to train in the community Network parties should check risk points, observe road usage behavior. Advising motorists to use roads at risk points to prevent and reduce accidents. Plan, implement and evaluate and build the readiness of the driver on the precautionary measures for fewer accidents at risk points.

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How to Cite
Bathcharee, M. (2021). Participation of Network Partners in the Prevention and Reduction of Community Accidents in Nong Mek Subdistrict, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 10(2), 841–850. Retrieved from
Research Article


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