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Puang-oy Chaidee
Karn Ruangmontri


           The objective of research article were 1) to study the current condition, desirable condition, and requirement of coaching for schools under the lower northeastern municipality, and 2) to develop guidelines of coaching for schools under the lower northeastern municipality. Samples are 369 consisting of administrators and teachers. Tools used in the study are 1) component suitability evaluation for coaching indicator for schools, 2) questionnaires about the current condition and desirable condition of coaching in schools, 3) interview from of best practice schools in coaching, and 4) suitability and possibility evaluation of coaching for schools under the lower northeastern municipality. Statistics used for analysis are percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

           Results from the study show that: 1. The current condition of coaching of schools under the lower northeastern municipality is low while the desirable condition is high. 2. The guidelines for the development of coaching of schools under the lower northeastern municipality consist of 1) rational criterion, 2) objectives, 3) guidelines of coaching for schools consisting of four components as follows:  3.1) coaching preparation, 3.2) coaching target and plan, 3.3) coaching components, and 3.4) coaching evaluation and track, 4) management mechanism, and 5) condition for success. The overall guidelines of coaching of schools under the lower northeastern municipality are very high as well as the possibility.

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How to Cite
Chaidee, P.- oy, & Ruangmontri, K. (2022). THE DEVELOPMENT OF COACHING FOR SCHOOLS UNDER THE LOWER NORTHEASTERN MUNICIPALITY. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 11(1), 578–590. Retrieved from
Research Article


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