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The objectives of the research article were 1) to study the level of participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo District Udon Thani province, 2) to study and analyze factors influencing participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo district, and 3) to study the guidelines for developing the participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo district, Udon Thani province. The sample group was people who had the right to vote in Wang Sam Mo district, Udon Thani province 397 people. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. The Statistics used in quantitative research were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis using sequential variable selection methods for discussion of results and qualitative data analysis using descriptive analysis.
The research found that; 1. The level of participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo district Udon Thani province, dependent variables, overall in all aspects, found that the participation level of network partners in community accident prevention was at a moderate level. 2. Weight of importance of factor variables influencing participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo district Udon Thani province Overall in all aspects, it was found that the role of network partners, local roles. The predictor coefficients in raw scores were .596, .358, respectively. 3. Guidelines for developing the participation of network partners in community accident prevention in Wang Sam Mo district, Udon Thani province, Should campaign for people to take part in preventing accidents Rewarding citizens for obeying traffic rules. Express opinions from people in helping in case of accidents 24 hours a day, practicing accidents for safety. Organize training and create warning signs in the community. Government agencies come to provide knowledge about accident prevention; people have knowledge about traffic laws. There are rules in common practice. Arrange a guard Install warning signs at important points. Cut down trees that obscure visibility or monthly to monitor performance. Cultivate values of awareness and create awareness of accident prevention in the community Always be responsible on the road regarding traffic laws. Network partners disseminate traffic laws to the public People are aware of safely renewing their driver's licenses to prevent accidents.
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