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The Objectives of the article wereto point out the importance of the Growing Mindset for the new generation ofteachers because in everyday life people interpret the meaning of events and expressthemselves in response to events based on the framework. The idea that they had originallybelieved. Mindset is a person's beliefs that influence their thoughts, intelligence, abilities, attitudes, and behaviors about themselves that will guide behavioral expression in differentlifestyles. Characteristics of different beliefs of a person can be classified into 2 groups: a groupthat believes that an individual's intelligence or ability can be changed, called a growth mindset, and a group that believes that intelligence or a concept an unchangeable mindset is called afixed mindset. These two types of mindset are individual beliefs as a result of past experiencesand learnings.A growth mindset is necessary for teacher students because a person who wants to become ateacher must have the ability to seek new ideas. like a challenge not succumb to obstaclesLearn and develop oneself from criticism, which is a necessary trait of student teachers to begood role models for learners in order to convey their point of view. Beliefs that affect the livesof learners until they can develop themselves to their full potential.
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