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Wijittra Unchai
Thanyaporn Nualsing


            This research article aims 1) to study the effective of environmental factors of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3,  2) to study the effectiveness of quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, and 3) to study the relationship between the environmental factors and the quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3and 4) to study the environmental factors affecting the quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3.The samples comprised 300 teachers selected using the Krejcie and Morgan table. Research instrument for collecting the data was a five - point rating scale questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the data involved percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation of Pearson Product Moment. Stepwise multiple regression was employed to test the hypothesis.

          The findings of the research revealed that; 1. The effective of environmental factors of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3as an overall was a high level.2. The effectiveness of quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3as an overall was a high level. 3. The relationship between the environmental factors and the quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 were found that the environmental factors is related to and the quality of working life of teachers in 5 aspect as follows: The highest rate is the benefit and fringe benefit and the quality of working life of teachers and the lowest is the physical with statistical significance at the .01 level.4. The environmental factors affecting the quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office. 3. The benefit and fringe benefit (X2), the learning management (X5), the physical appearance(X3) and the interpersonal relation peers(X1).These predictors could affect and predict 72.00 percent of quality of working life of teachers in schools under the Roi et Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 with statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Unchai, W., & Nualsing, T. (2023). ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE OF TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS UNDER THE ROI ET PRIMARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 172–183. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/264533
Research Article


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