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Ekruethai Chailinfa
Pacharawit Chansirisira


           The purposes of this research were 1) to study the current conditions, the desirable conditions, and the needs for New Normal learning management in primary schools under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, 2) to develop the strategies for New Normal learning management in primary schools under Mahasarakarm Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The samples were 306 teachers under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 It was obtained from interviewing the 3 experts about New Normal learning management strategies, The group of informants consisting of 7 experts in education. The research instrument was an assessment of the suitability and possibility of strategies. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean and standard deviation.

           The results showed that; 1. The overall level of current conditions of New Normal learning management for primary school was at ahigh level. The overall level of desirable conditions of New Normal learning management for primary school was at a high level.2. Strategies for New Normal learning management in primary schools under Mahasarakarm Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 consisted of 10 strategies 1) The paradigm shift in using technology for teaching. 2) The paradigm shift in learning management to encourage students’ characteristics for learning in New Normal. 3) The paradigm shift in learning management model according to the conditions of the area and the risk of infection. 4)Using community-based learning to develop students’ life skills, vocational skills, and implementation in daily life.                  5) Strengthening the social measure to prevent epidemic in school according to the Sandbox Safety Zone in School. 6) The paradigm shift in New Normal learning management supervision to follow up on learning management. 7) Reducing inequalities of learning supported tools for learners. 8) Declaration with parents about New Normal learning management. 9) Adjusting the learning assessment in accordance with the New Normal learning management. 10) Enhancing the use of technology in school. The overall assessment results of strategy for New Normal learning management in primary school were found that the strategies’ suitability and the strategies’ possibility were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Chailinfa, E., & Chansirisira, P. (2023). STRATEGY FOR NEW NORMAL LEARNING MANAGEMENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS UNDER MAHASARAKARM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 249–264. Retrieved from
Research Article


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