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The purposes of this research were 1) to study current conditions and desirable conditions of English Communicative Language Teaching for teachers under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. 2) to develop the English teacher training program towards English Communicative Language Teaching under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research method was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1 was to study the current conditions and desirable conditions of English Communicative Language Teaching for teachers. The samples were 159 English teachers under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 selected through the stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a scaling questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire for current conditions and desirable conditions were .993 and .994 respectively. Phase 2 was to develop the English teacher training program towards English Communicative Language Teaching under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. Evaluating the program by 7 experts was selected through the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was an assessment of the suitability and possibility of the English Teacher Training Program towards English Communicative Language Teaching. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and modified priority index.
The results showed that; 1. The overall level of current conditions of English Communicative Language Teaching for teachers was at a moderate level. Considering each aspect, it was found that all aspect was at the moderate level except the curriculum and the measurement and evaluation aspects were at the low level. The overall level of desirable conditions of English Communicative Language Teaching for teachers was at a high level and it was at a high level in all aspect. 2. The English Teacher Training Program towards English Communicative Language Teaching under Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 consisted of 1) Principle 2) Objectives 3) Content 4) Development method 5) Measurement and evaluation. The content consisted of 5 modules: Module 1 curriculum, Module 2 Communicative Language Teaching activities, Module 3 Learning materials, Module 4 Measurement and evaluation, and Module 5 Teacher roles. The overall program assessment results were found that the program suitability was at the highest level and the program possibility was at the highest level.
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