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Weeraphon Laochai
Pacharawit Chansirisira


           The objectives of this research are 1) to study the problem of marching band management extra large secondary school in Kalasin Province 2) to develop management strategies the marching band, extra large secondary school in Kalasin Province. The research method was divided into 2 phases: Phase 1: a study of the problems and conditions of marching band management; extra large secondary school In Kalasin Province, people, phase 2, develop strategies for marching band management. Extra large secondary school in Kalasin Province and draft strategy Evaluated by users to what level of suitability and feasibility. The sample consisted of 65 and 9 experts. The research tools were interviews and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation

           The results showed that; 1. Results of the analysis of current conditions in the management of the marching band Extra large secondary school In Kalasin Province, it was found that, overall, there was a marching band management at high level. The results of the analysis of the problem of marching band management extra large secondary school In Kalasin Province, it was found that, overall, and there was a marching band management at a low level. 2. Marching Band Management Strategies Extra-large secondary schools in Kalasin Province include: 1) development and goal setting of the marching band. 2) Organizing activities and forms for marching band training. 3) Measurement and evaluation of the marching band development.  4) Supervision and monitoring the development of the marching band. 5) Development of media, innovation and technology for the development of marching bands. 6) Planning for practicing marching band activities. 7) Research and study for improving the quality of marching band management.

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How to Cite
Laochai, W., & Chansirisira, P. (2023). STRATEGIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MARCHING BAND IN SPECIAL LARGE SECONDARY SHOOLS IN KALASIN PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 278–288. Retrieved from
Research Article


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