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The objectives of this research are 1) to conduct a study on the current conditions and the performance of academic administration of the pre-improvement Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School 2) to design and develop a model of academic administration of quality schools in the 21st century for Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School 3) to conduct a study on the results from using the model of academic administration of quality schools in the 21st century at Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School 4) to conduct a study on satisfaction among executives, teachers, the Basic Educational Commission, students, and parents with the performance of academic administration model of quality schools in the 21st century of Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Pathum Thani. The samples include executives, teachers, the Basic Educational Commission, students, and parents. The data collection tools are document analysis form, unstructured interview, and questionnaires. The statistics tools employed in data analysis are, frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, stepwise multiple regression, and content analysis.
Findings of the research are as follows: 1. The study on the current conditions of the pre-improvement School based on an analysis of the Report of Educational Quality Development of Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School, which examines and summarizes the conditions of academic administration both inside and outside the School, finds that the first of the areas which should be improved is learner quality, academic administration, teaching and learning process, The use of the internal quality assurance system. The study finds that the overall performance of academic administration of the pre-improvement Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Pathum Thani is at high level. 2.The study finds that the academic administration model of quality schools in the 21st century of Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Pathum Thani is very suitable and appropriate. It consists of 3 grand strategies. The first grand strategy is the academic administration in the 21st century. The second grand strategy is the personalities and academic personnel development in the 21st century. The third grand strategy is the education in the 21st century. 3.The trial of the academic administration model of quality schools in the 21st century at Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Pathum Thani finds that the School has higher academic performance with the components improved by the 5 strategies, and that students have higher learning achievements. 4.The level of overall satisfaction among executives, teachers, the Basic Educational Commission, students, and parents with the performance of academic administration model of quality schools in the 21st century of Suankularbwittayalai Rangsit School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Pathum Thani, based on the questionnaire respondents, is the highest level.
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