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Teerapat Khotbuntao


           The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of teaching and teach management to enhance reading and writing skills, 2) to study the factors influencing teaching and learning management. to enhance reading and writing skills and 3) to study the teaching and learning management guidelines for enhancing reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in Khon Kaen. The sample group was 400 people. The research tools were questionnaires and interview forms. The statistics used in the research were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis using sequential variable selection method for discussion of results and descriptive data analysis.

           The results showed that: 1. the level of teaching and learning management to enhance reading and writing skills during the situation Covid-19 in Khon Kaen Province, the dependent variable was at a moderate level. 2. Factors Influencing Teaching Management for Enhancement of Reading and Writing Skills During the Covid-19 Situation in Khon Kaen Province Overall in all aspects, it was found that factors influencing teaching and learning management to enhance reading and writing skills during the Covid-19 situation in Khon Kaen Province Evaluation by peer group Independent training field The predictor coefficients in raw scores were .422 and .273, respectively. 3. Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Management to Enhance Reading and Writing Skills during the Covid-19 Situation in Khon Kaen Province. It is necessary to have a plan for organizing teams to learn together in teaching. With members having different abilities with clear goals there must be a planning in teaching and learning. The reading group is clearly grouped into the reading group. With the goal of learning to enable learners to love teachingIt stimulates the learners and teaches them to be alert and encourage them in teaching and learning to read continuously. There is an understanding of the meaning of words in teaching and learning for students. Create an understanding of the meaning of a group of words That is, general knowledge Explain the knowledge of the structure of the reading, that is, Knowledge of various types of writing work to create cooperation in organizing basic activities for students to be able to convey the results of basic activities to their friends and to clearly convey the results of basic activities to teachers in learning and teaching.

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How to Cite
Khotbuntao, T. (2023). TEACHING MANAGEMENT TO ENHANCE READING AND WRITING SKILLS DURING THE COVID-19 SITUATION IN KHON KAEN PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(1), 476–483. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/AJMBU/article/view/266271
Research Article


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