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Thailand encourages people to have a healthy body and can also fight disease. Exercise is considered the main strategy of the country's Ministry of Tourism and Sports. Because sports can develop the body and stimulate the well-being of the people by creating a reputation, as well as bringing innovation to apply in the sport industry. (1) Study factors affecting the use of management innovation in sports development towards sports excellence. And (2) To present management guidelines for sports development towards sports excellence. The sample used in the research were 242 athletes and sports coaches registered under the Khon Kaen Sports Association participating in the 2019 National Games. The sample was defined using the purposive selection method and a cohort of 5 key informants, by a criterion zed cohort of key informants. It is mixed research using quantitative and qualitative research methods, the quantitative research collects data from questionnaires with a reliability of 0.95, and the qualitative research collected data from semi-structured interviews and data analysis by descriptive analysis.
The results showed that: 1) Factors affecting the use of innovation in sports development management to excellence in all aspects of sports found that security and traffic, transportation, urban development as a whole, medical and nursing, predictor coefficients in raw score (b) were .420, .276, .041, and .005, respectively. 2) Guidelines for the development of sports development management are as follows: Budget expenditure plans should be developed that cover sporting events, venues, materials, and standardized sports science equipment. Personnel management is fair, welfare arrangements are incentivized, individual sports databases are managed to effectively prepare teams for training and participation in sports competitions. The integration of creating a network of cooperation with relevant agencies in the creation and development of sports personnel, sports scientists of the province continually. Provincial sports administrators and practitioners participate in setting clear goals and action plans for the development of sports excellence. The recommendation is that the development of sports to excellence should be integrated between agencies involved in the development of sports in various fields such as sports science, sports nutrition, and sports biomechanics to continuously develop sports and sports personnel.
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