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The purposes of the research were to investigate the conditions, and explore the approaches to the operation of the student care and support system using the PDCA Cycle: a case study of Technology and Business Administration Udonthani College, Mueang District, Udon Thani Province. The population used in the research was 114 school administrators, teachers and educational personnel, including staff members, and 9 experts. The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The findings of the research indicated that; 1) the conditions of the operation of the student care and support system using the PDCA Cycle: a case study of Technology and Business Administration Udonthani College, Mueang District, Udon Thani Province seemed to be at the high level. When each aspect was considered based on the mean, which was arranged in descending order, it was found that all aspects were at the high level. 2) In terms of the approaches to the operation of the student care and support system using the PDCA Cycle: a case study of Technology and Business Administration Udonthani College, Mueang District, Udon Thani Province, they were as follows;1) in terms of ‘Plan’, the school should improve awareness and understanding of the student care and support system by holding a meeting comprising teachers and educational personnel, staff members, and parents, appoint the committee and consultant team, clearly determine the organizational structure and roles, and analyze data using a variety of methods and tools. 2) For ‘Do’, the approaches to the operation consisted of 5 aspects as follows; 2.1) in terms of getting to know the students individually, the school should provide the marketing team and guidance team, visit students' home to enhance the understanding with parents, and inclusively create a student record. 2.2) For student screening, the school should create the tools for student screening and strengths and difficulties questionnaires, including other appropriate tools for student screening. 2.3) For promoting student development, the school should provide the activities of parent-teacher conferences to communicate expectations and parent needs for student skills. 2.4) In terms of prevention and student correction, the school should prepare various activities to prevent and enhance students learning such as online, on hand, hybrid learning, learning from incubators, and setting up vocational training centers. 2.5) For transfers, the school should prepare student record forms to transfer students systematically, completely and clearly, and coordinate with internal and external networks to help the student transfer appropriately. 3) For ‘Check’, the school should appoint the guidance team, operating committee, and supervision team to monitor and evaluate performance. 4) In terms of ‘Act’, the school should hold the meeting the teachers, teacher advisors, guidance team, and person in charge of reporting success, progress, problems and obstacles of the operation of the student care and support system, and plan the student care and support system in new ways that were suitable for situations.
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