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The purposes of this research were to: 1) to study competencies of school Principals 2) to study teaching efficiency of teachers 3) to study the relationship competencies of school Principals and efficiency of teachers and 4) to study competencies of school Principals that effect efficiency of teachers under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The sample consisted of 28 administrators and 299 teachers. The instrument utilized for collecting the data was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire. The statistics used for data analysis included percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression.
Results of the study revealed that: 1. competencies of school Principals under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2 was performed at a high level. When considering each aspect of competencies of school Principals, it was found that every aspect was performed at a high level. The aspects with the highest mean scores to the lowest were in terms of executive characteristics, strategic management, teamwork and leadership have the same mean and knowledge and ability. 2. Teaching efficiency of teachers under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2 was an overall and each aspect were at a high level. When ranking the aspects with the highest mean scores to the lowest were in terms of good interaction teacher, characteristics, morale and morale in the work have the same mean as Teacher is attitude and classroom management, respectively. 3. The competencies of school Principals and teaching efficiency of teachers under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2 had the most positive correlation, these were strategic management, followed by executive characteristics and leadership. The aspect had least positive correlation was knowledge and ability, the overall correlation coefficient was 0.50 at a moderate level to statistically significant at 0.1 level. 4. Using stepwise multiple regression, there were 5 aspects of competencies of school Principals affecting teaching efficiency of teachers under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2. These aspects were selected to form the prediction equation including; Strategic Management (X5), Teamwork (X3), and executive characteristics (X2). The multiple correlation coefficient was 0.657. All of these aspects could mutually explain the teaching efficiency of teachers under Yasothon Primary Education Service Area Office 2 at 43.2% with statistically significant at .01 level.
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