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Warunee Gwangkhwang
Suttipong Hoksuwan


           The present study aimed 1) to investigate the current situations, desirable situations and needs of innovative leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service Area office Surin. 2) to construct and develop the program to strengthen innovative leadership of school administrators under the Secondary educational service Area Office Surin. The design of this study was mixed method which divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was the study related to the current situations, desirable situations and needs of innovative leadership of School administrators under the Secondary educational Service Area Office Surin. There was 355 sample consisted of school administrators and teachers. The instrument used to collect data was the questionnaire of current situations, desirable situations and needs of innovative leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service Area office Surin. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNI Modified. Phase 2 was the construction and development of the program to strengthen innovative leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service Area office Surin. There were 5 experts who evaluated the program. The instruments were evaluation form, and semi-structured interview. The statistics used consisted of mean and standard deviation.

            The results revealed that: 1) The results of the study related to the current situations of innovative leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service Area office Surin shown that overall, of the current situations was rated in moderate level, The highest average aspect was Teamwork. The desirable situations of innovative leadership of school administrators shown that overall was rated in the most level, The highest average aspect was courage, result of the needs assessment to the development of the innovative leadership of school administrators which ordered from more to less were atmosphere of innovative organization have the most needs. Next is the courage, vision, create motivation and Teamwork respectively. 2) The program to strengthen innovative leadership of school administrators under the secondary educational service area office Surin shown that there were 6 elements comprised of principles, objectives, contents, material, procedures, and program evaluation. The contents divided into 5 modules as follows; vision, teamwork, courage, atmosphere of innovative organization and create motivation

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How to Cite
Gwangkhwang, W., & Hoksuwan, S. (2023). DEVELOPING A PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN INNOVATION LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE SURIN. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 12(2), 356–368. Retrieved from
Research Article


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