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Jirapart Lordngoen
Samart Aiyakorn


The purpose of this study is 1) to examine the context and potential of Na Thon community to develop into a tourism community, 2) to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of tourism in Na Thon community, Nakhon Phanom Province 3) and develop policies and strategies for community tourism development in Nathon communities That Phanom Nakhon Phanom Province. A target group of 10 people was employed using individual in-depth interviews. Participants included central government and Nakhon Phanom local officials, entrepreneurs, local philosophers, and people from Nakhon subdistrict, That Phanom district, and Nakhon Phanom province. Group discussion methods were used to collect data to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The samples were purposely selected of 12 individuals to formulate tourism development guidelines. Total 22 people.

The research findings are as follows: 1) Regarding the context and potential of the Na Thon community in terms of restoration and cooperation: Government agencies still lack connectivity and collaboration with the Na Thon community in tourism development. In terms of tourist attractions or activities, there is a lack of amenities such as toilets at some tourist sites, and the transportation routes to the community do not adequately accommodate tourists traveling by public buses. In terms of tourism management, the community shows potential and readiness to welcome tourists, including accommodations, food, and hospitality. However, there is a lack of overall provincial publicity to attract a larger tourist demographic. 2) The distinctive culture of the Tai Kuan tribe, delicious local food sourced from the community, homestay accommodations, and tourist attractions are strengths of the Na Thon community. Weaknesses include tour leaders lacking various knowledge, accessibility to the community, and coordination between government agencies. Opportunities include leveraging the government's Soft Power policy, the ongoing construction of a dual-track railway passing through the community, and the community's tourism resources. Threats include a lack of foreign tour leaders and budget for community tourism development. 3) The presentation of guidelines for tourism development by the Na Thon community, That Phanom District, Nakhon Phanom Province, aims to achieve the vision of becoming a recognized tourist community promoting and developing quality tourism products and services at the national level. This includes four strategies: Strategy 1: Strengthening the community. Strategy 2: Community solidarity. Strategy 3: Quality tourism in Na Thon. Strategy 4: Promoting cultural conservation.

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How to Cite
Lordngoen, J., & Aiyakorn, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY BASED TOURISM OF NA THON COMMUNITY, THAT PHANOM DISTRICT, NAKHON PHANOM PROVINCE. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 492–504. Retrieved from
Research Article


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