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The purposes of this study were 1) investigate efficiency of the lesson plan on the learning, the science class in the fifth grade of primary school was about the appearance cycle of constellations. By using a 5 Es of Inquiry-Based Learning management to be effective according to the 80/80 criteria. The target group used in the research were the fifth grade of primary school in the second semester of the academic year 2020, Sueksa Songkhor Thawatchaburi School, Office of Special Education Administration. Obtained by purposive sampling of 20 people. The tools used in this study were: 1. Learning management plan, the science class in the fifth grade of primary Unit 4 The cycle of the appearance of the constellations. By using a 5 Es of Inquiry-Based Learning management, 16 plans, totaling 16 hours of study time. 2. Achievement test Science subject, Grade 5, Learning unit 4 “The cycle of the appearance of constellations”. It is a multiple-choice test with 4 options, 30 questions. 3. The attitude measurement form the fifth grade of primary school. The form has a 5-level approximate scale, totaling 20 items. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of the study appear as follows: 1) Efficiency of the Learning Management Plan for Subject Science in the fifth grade of primary school on the cycle of the appearance of the constellation, using a 5 Es of Inquiry-Based Learning management to achieve efficiency 80.57/81.5, which meets the criteria set forth, namely 80/80. 2) Comparison of learning achievement between pre-school and post-school with a learning management plan on the subject Science, Grade 5 on the cycle of the appearance of the constellations by using a 5 Es of Inquiry-Based Learning management. It appears that the average score of the test. The pretest scores were 12.35 and the mean scores after the test were 24.45.After learning, learning achievement was higher than before learning at a statistical significance at the .01 level. 3) The student's attitude toward learning by using a 5 Es of Inquiry-Based Learning management in the subject Science, Grade 5 on the cycle of the appearance of the constellations. Overall, it was at the highest level the mean scores were 4.91 and the standard deviation was 0.29.
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