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Preeyanoot In-khai
Boonchom Srisa-Ard


The research aimed to 1) study current desirable conditions and needs for teacher competency of learning management of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1. 2) Develop a program about the development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1. The research is divided into 2 stages. First stage was to study current, desirable conditions and needs for teacher competency strengthening developing program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1. The sample consist of 351 teachers under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1 selected by satisfied random sampling technique. The research instrument was questionnaire. The second stage was the development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1. The target group was 6 teachers and administrators from school with best practices, and 7 educational experts verify and evaluate the program using purposive sampling method. The instrument were semi-structure interview, appropriateness and feasibility assessment of program. The frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Modified Priority Needs Index were employed to analyze data.

The finding of this research was as follow: 1. The overall of current for the development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1 was at high level, the desirable condition for the development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1 was at highest level. 2. The development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1 composed of 1) principle 2) objective 3) content which divided into 3 modules: Module 1 knowledge learning management of STEM education, Module 2 Skills learning management of STEM education and Module 3 Attributes learning management of STEM education 4) process 5) program evaluation. The overall of the development of teacher competency strengthening program of STEM education under Surin Primary Educational Area Office 1 in term of appropriateness was at highest level and possibility was at high level.

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How to Cite
In-khai, P., & Srisa-Ard, B. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHER COMPETENCY STRENGTHENING PROGRAM OF STEM EDUCATION UNDER SURIN PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL AREA OFFICE 1. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 120–132. Retrieved from
Research Article


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