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Phiromya Phorin
Pacharawit Chansirisira


The purposes of this study were: 1) study current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to strengthen learning leadership of school administrators in the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 and 2) develop a program strengthen learning leadership of school administrators in the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 The Mixed Method Research was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was to study current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs to strengthen learning leadership of school administrators. The samples were 144 school administrators in the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 by using  table of Krejcie and Morgan through stratified random sampling technique and research instrument was scaling questionnaire. phase 2 was to develop a program to Strengthen learning leadership of school administrators in the Mahasarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. And evaluating the program by 5 experts through purposive sampling technique and research instrument was an assessment of appropriateness and feasibility of the program. Data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and modified priority index.

The results showed that; 1. The overall picture of current condition of learning leadership of school administrators was at mean level and the desirable condition of the learning leadership of the school administrators. Overall is at a highest level. The necessity assessment to the development of Learning Leadership of school administrators which ordered of the needs assessment from more to less were Creativity, Powerful Environment, self-directed learning, Team learning, Integrating Pluralism,The apply technology to the performance of management. 2. Program to strengthen learning leadership of school administrators in the MahaSarakham Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were consisted of 6 modules : Module 1 Team learning, Module 2 Integrating Pluralism, Module 3 The apply technology to the performance of management, Module 4 Powerful Environment, Module  Creativity and Module 6 self-directed learning. The results of overall program evaluation were high level appropriate and the possibilities are at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Phorin, P., & Chansirisira, P. (2024). DEVELOPING A PROGRAM TO STRENGTHEN LEARNING LEADERSHIP OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN THE MAHASARAKHAM PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 295–306. Retrieved from
Research Article


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