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This research aimed to; 1) study current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs assessment of development of learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin 2) create and evaluate guidelines of learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin The research method was divided into 2 phases : Phase 1 was to study the current conditions, desirable conditions, and the needs assessment of development of learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers. The samples were 197 Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin selected through stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a scaling questionnaire. The reliability current conditions and desirable conditions of the questionnaire are 0.932 และ 0.908. Phase 2 was to create and evaluate guidelines of learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin And evaluating the program by experts selected through the purposive sampling technique. The research instruments were an interview form and an evaluation form on the appropriateness, and the possibility of the Programs of Thai Learning Management for Teachers. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, and modified priority index.
The results showed that; 1. The current state and desirable state of learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin overall were at the moderate level. and the highest level respectively. And the needs assessment of the learning management to enhance analytical thinking skills for Thai teachers for Teachers was ordered from most to least; Development of learning media and innovation, The curriculum integrates content in subject areas, Student-centered learning, Authentic Assessment, and Teaching styles and techniques, teaching methods, respectively. 2. Development Guidelines of learning Management to Enhance Analytical Thinking skills for Thai teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surin consisted of 5 components and 25 guidelines : 6 guidelines for The curriculum integrates content in subject areas, 5 guidelines for Student-centered learning, 5 guidelines for Teaching styles and techniques, teaching methods, 4 guidelines for Development of learning media and innovation and 5 guidelines for Authentic Assessment. The overall evaluation Guidelines result was appropriate at the highest level and possible at the highest level.
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