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Pimporn Mongkolchoo
Suttipong Hoksuwan


The aims of the present study were 1) to investigate the current state, desirable conditions, and necessary requirements of the school administrators' characteristics under the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2; 2) to design and construct the program in evaluating the development of the school administrators' characteristics under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. This study employed a mixed-methods research approach, which conducted in two phases. Phase 1 involved studying the current state, desirable conditions, and necessary requirements of the school administrators' characteristics under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The study included 335 samples comprising of 45 school administrators and 290 teachers affiliated with the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The research instruments employed for this study were the questionnaires. The statistics used to analyze the data were specifically percentages, means, standard deviations, and PNI modified. Phase 2 was the designing and the construction of the program to evaluate the development of the school administrators' characteristics under the Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The information was gathered from a group of 5 qualified experts. The data collection utilized a structured questionnaire and an evaluation form for the program's feasibility. Statistical analysis was performed using mean and standard deviation.

The research results were as follows: 1) The results that related to the current state and necessary requirements of the school Administrators' Characteristics under the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 revealed that the current state of the school administrators' characteristics is generally at a high level. The components with the lowest average scores were vision, and ideology, followed by creativity, and communication skills. In terms of desirable characteristics of the school administrators shown that overall was rated at the highest level. The communication skills were the highest average scores, followed by creativity, vision, and ideology. As for the necessary requirements for developing the program to evaluate the characteristics of the school administrators, which ordered from the highest to the lowest importance were creativity, vision and ideology, and effective communication skills. 2) The development of the program for enhancing the characteristics of the school administrators under the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 consisted of five components, which are 1) Principles, 2) Objectives, 3) Planning and Contents, 4) Methods, and 5) Evaluation, along with content boundaries. The program is structured into three modules as follows; 1) Vision and Ideology, 2) Creativity, and 3) Effective Communication Skills. The assessment of appropriateness and feasibility of the program for developing the characteristics of school administrators in the Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area Offices 2, revealed that it was highly suitable and the highest feasible.

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How to Cite
Mongkolchoo, P., & Hoksuwan, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR ATTRIBUTE EXECUTIVES OF THE ROI-ET PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 2. Academic Journal of Mahamakut Buddhist University Roi Et Campus, 13(1), 516–530. Retrieved from
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