Consequences of Irritating Brand Behavior on Social Media: Examining Negative Consumer Sentiment
Brand Avoidance; Brand Hate; Brand Revenge; Communication Strategy; Perceived IrritationAbstract
Previous studies commonly examined the positive aspects of consumer-brand relationships and positive reactions toward brands. Specifically, fewer researchers have explored negative consumer sentiment toward brands on social networking sites (SNSs). The current study attempts to fill this knowledge gap. It aims to explore the effect of firms’ irritating brand behaviors on SNSs on consumers’ anti-brand behaviors through their negative feelings i.e., perceived irritation and brand hate. This study used mixed-method research including qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey. The findings indicated that irritating brand behaviors on SNSs significantly develop consumers’ negative sentiments including irritation and hateful feelings. Consequently, consumers engage in anti-brand behaviors i.e., brand avoidance and revenge behavior. The study encourages practitioners to design communication strategies on social media platforms in a way in which consumers’ negative feelings are minimized.
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