Does Online-offline Brand Image Consistency Influence Brand Relationships? Empirical Research on Retail Brands


  • Yue Huang Stamford International University
  • Lu Suo Stamford International University


Brand Experience, Brand Relationship, Brand Trust, Online-Offline Brand Image Consistency, WOM


The purpose of this research is to study, based on Schema Theory and customers' brand experience, the effect of online-offline brand image consistency in retail stores on consumer brand relationship variables such as brand trust, word-of-mouth (WOM), and willingness to co-create value. Using an online survey questionnaire and convenience sampling, data were collected from 421 Chinese consumers (18 years and older) who had made purchases from around 45 retail brands within the past year. Structural equation modeling was employed for data analysis. The findings confirm that online-offline brand image consistency positively influences brand experience. Furthermore, brand experience was found to positively affect retail brand relationships (brand trust, WOM, willingness to co-create value). Moreover, online-offline brand image consistency in retail stores was found to positively impact brand relationship variables. Finally, brand experience was found to play a role as an intermediary in the association between online-offline brand image consistency and retail brand relationships. These results provide valuable insights for the retail industry, suggesting the importance of incorporating online and offline brand image consistency into corporate branding strategies to attract and retain customers.


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How to Cite

Huang, Y., & Suo, L. (2023). Does Online-offline Brand Image Consistency Influence Brand Relationships? Empirical Research on Retail Brands. Creative Business and Sustainability Journal, 45(1), 59–80. retrieved from



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