The Study of Game Dynamics and Community Characteristics in The Metaverse Affecting on Brand Engagement and Brand Loyalty


  • Sudaluk Sungkorn Thammasat University.
  • Mathupayas Thongmak Thammasat University.



Metaverse, Game Dynamic, Online Brand Community Characteristics, Brand Engagement, Brand Loyalty


This study investigates the factors that impact brand loyalty using dynamics in gamification design and the characteristics of online communities within the metaverse. To develop the conceptual framework, focusing on perceived benefits in social and emotional aspects, brand engagement, and brand loyalty. Respondents must be over 18, have joined the brand's community in the past six months, and answer at least 2/3 of the screening questions about Metaverse. This study collected 327 samples via an online survey using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to compare the hypothesis-based models. The result found that brand engagement affects brand loyalty, social benefits, and emotional benefits affect brand engagement. However, the social benefit involving brand engagement outweighs the emotional benefit affecting brand engagement with statistical significance. It is discovered that context in game dynamics has the most impact on social benefit, followed by community value and freedom to express. Moreover, rewards and recognition in online communities in the metaverse affect social benefits oppositely. The research also found that cooperation in game dynamics does not impact social benefits, and completion in game dynamics does not affect emotional benefits.

Author Biographies

Sudaluk Sungkorn, Thammasat University.

Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy

Mathupayas Thongmak, Thammasat University.

Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy


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How to Cite

Sungkorn, S., & Thongmak, M. . . (2023). The Study of Game Dynamics and Community Characteristics in The Metaverse Affecting on Brand Engagement and Brand Loyalty . Creative Business and Sustainability Journal, 45(2), 42–65.



Research Articles