Instructions for Manuscript Preparation
Research Article Template
Academic Article Template
Certifying Letter Prior to Publication of Article in CJSSM
Work Flow
The submitted manuscript must have the following specifications:
- It must be of 10 – 15 pages in length, printed on one side of A4 paper, with the margins (top, bottom, left, and right) of 1 inch (2.54 cm.). Manuscript should be as concise and precise as possible.
- All content must be printed in single columns with first line indent of 1 cm. (0.39 inch).
- Line spacing 1.5
- The Chinese simplified font is SimSun, English font and number are Times New Roman, with details as specified below:
Format requirements for each component of the manuscript
Chinese Font Size
English Font Size
Title (Chinese-English)
16 (Centre Text )
13 (Centre Text )
Author’s Name
11 (Centre Text )
Author’s Name
11 (Centre Text )
Author’s Affiliation
11 (Centre Text )
11 (Centre Text )
Corresponding Author’s
9 (Left Justified)
Abstract Title
11 (Left & Right Justified)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
Abstract Content
11 (Left & Right Justified)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
Keywords Title
11 (Left & Right Justified)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
Keywords (Chinese-English)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
Topics (Without numbering, Chinese)
11 (Left Justified)
Contents (Chinese)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
References (English)
11 (Left & Right Justified)
Table Title (On top of the table, Chinese)
10 (Left Justified)
Table Content (On top of the table, Chinese)
9 (Left Justified)
Figure Title; Chart Title (Under the figure or chart, Chinese)
11 (Centre Text )
Figure Content; Chart Content (Under the figure or chart, Chinese)
11 (Centre Text )
Composition of the Manuscript
1) Manuscript title (in both Chinese and English)
2) Names of all authors, with identification of affiliation and country (in both Chinese and English)
3) Corresponding Author E-mail, identify only the e-mail of main author or the article
4) Abstract (Chinese-English), Chinese abstracts of about 300 words should contain the purpose, method, results (main data) and conclusions of the manuscript. The English abstract should be consistent with the Chinese abstract.
5) Keywords (Chinese-English), about 3-5 words
6) Contents (Chinese)
6.1 Contents of academic manuscript comprise: Introduction, Content, Conclusion, and Recommendations (If any)
6.2 Contents of research manuscript comprise the Introduction, Objective (s), Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and Recommendations (If any)
7) References (English) only using the format of APA (7th edition)
8) Data of every author must comprise the following: Name and Surname, Highest Education, Affiliation, Field of Expertise, and the author’s photograph, all of which must be written in English.
9) Figures, Charts, Tables, or other illustrations must be numbered, with correct reference of their sources. They must be clear, distinctive, and not violate the copyright of the others.
The Examples of Presentation of Tables, Figures, and Charts
Table 1 Title of Table …
“Table 1” printed in Times New Roman 11 point font face, bold letter, left alignment
“Title of Table…” printed in Times New Roman 11 point font face, normal letters

Sources or Remarks: Details……..
“Sources or Remarks:” printed in Times New Roman 9 point font face, bold letters, left alignment
“Details…” printed in Times New Roman 9 point, normal letters

Figure 1 Name of Figure, Chart…
“Figure 1:” printed in Times New Roman 11 point font face, bold letters, center of the page
“Name of Figure, Chart...” printed in Times New Roman 11 point font face, normal letters
Sources or Remarks: Details……..
“Sources or Remarks:” printed in Times New Roman 9 point font face, bold letters, left alignment
“Details…” printed in Times New Roman 9 point, normal letters
Simsun or Times New Roman 11point
1. Quotations in the Contents
(In front of the sentence)
(At the end of the sentence)
One author
Coghlan (1993)
(Coghlan, 1993)
Two authors
Mohsen and Mohammad (2011)
(Mohsen & Mohammad, 2011)
Three or more authors
Burkart et al. (1997)
(Burkart et al., 1997)
Ministry of Education (2020)
(Ministry of Education, 2020)
Organization using abbreviation
First quotation:
National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA, 2018)
Next quotation:
NIDA (2018)
First quotation:
(National Institute of Development Administration [NIDA], 2018)
Next quotation:
(NIDA, 2018)
Quotation from document (Specify page number)
Shaw (2017, p. 172) or
Shaw (2017, pp. 172-180)
(Shaw, 2017, p. 172) or
(Shaw, 2017, pp. 172-180)
Quotation from interviews
J. M. Sun (Personal communication, August 18, 2021)
(Sun, J. M., Personal communication, August 18, 2021)
2. References at the End of Manuscript
All documents that have been quoted must be listed in the References at the end of the manuscript. The list must be alphabetically ordered based on the reference sources and surname of the author. The reference format should follow that of APA (7th edition).
2.1 Format of Reference Based on Number of Authors
Reference at the End of Article
One author
Surname,/First alphabet of surname must be a capital letter
Two authors
Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter.,/&/Surname of second author,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter
3-20 Authors
Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter.,/Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter.,/Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter.,/(Number 1-19 authors),/&/Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter. (Number 20 author)
21 Authors or more
Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter.,/(Number 1-19 authors),//…/&/Surname,/First alphabet of surname being a capital letter. (The last author)
2.2 Format of Reference Based on Documents
2.2.1 Journals
1) Journal (Printed)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Article title./Journal title,/Volume(No.),/first page-last page of article in the journal.
Gao, Y., Shi, J., Niu, Q., & Wang, L. (2013). Work–family Conflict and Job Satisfaction: Emotional Intelligence as a Moderator. Stress and Health, 29(3), 222-228.
2) Journal (Electronic)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Article title./Journal title,/Volume(No.),/first page-last page of article in the journal./ or URL
Waehayee, N. (2014). Relationship between strategic performance based budgeting system and law on the budgetary procedures. Jurisprudence Journal Naresuan University, 7(2), 152-178.
Cai, A. T., & Wu, W. Q. (2021). The Mediator Effect of Chinese University Teachers’ Volunteerism On Teaching Quality. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 5(2), 100-110.
2.2.2 Books
1) Book (Printed)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Book title/(Edition)./Publisher.
* In case of no publication date, put n.d.
* In case of first edition, do not specify the edition.
* In case of no specification of publisher, put n.p.
Ritcharoon, P. (2016). Principles of measurement and evaluation. House of Kermyst.
Yamane, T. (1967). Statistics: An introductory analysis (2nd ed.). Harper and Row.
2) Book (Electronic without DOI)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Book title/(Edition)./URL
* In case of no publication date, put n.d.
* In case of first edition, do not specify the edition.
* In case of no specification of publisher, put n.p.
Department of Primary Industries and Mines. (2017). Benchmarking industrial logistics performance index supply chain performance index logistics scorecard.
3) Chapter in a Book
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title of chapter or article./In/First alphabet of editor’s name being a capital letter/Surname/(Ed. or Eds.),/Book title/(pp./page numbers)./Publisher.
Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. In G. A. Marcoulides (Ed.), Modern methods for business research (pp. 295-336). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
2.2.3 Thesis
1) Thesis (Printed)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title of thesis/[Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation]./Name of educational institution.
Seangsri, W. (2009). An analysis and development of school network administration model in northeastern rural area [Doctoral dissertation]. Chulalongkorn University.
2) Thesis (Electronic)
First Format
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title of thesis/[Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis]./Name of website./URL
Lin, Q. (2020). the influence of music teachers’ competence on job performance-moderator role of interactive behavior [Doctoral dissertation]. Panyapiwat Institute of Management Library.
Second Format
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title of thesis/(UMI number or other numbers)/[Doctoral dissertation or Master’s thesis,/Name of university]./Name of database.
Lope, M. D. (2014). Perceptions of global mindedness in the international baccalaureate middle years programme: The relationship to student academic performance and teacher characteristics (Order No. 3682837) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Maryland]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
2.2.4 Research Report
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title/(Report No. if given)./Publisher./ or URL
National Cancer Institute. (2019). Taking time: Support for people with cancer (NIH Publication No. 18-2059). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
2.2.5 Electronic Media
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year,/month/date)./Article title./Name of website./URL
* In case of no publication date, put n.d.
* In case of only A.D. year appears, put only A.D. year
* In case of the author’s name and the website name being the same, cut the website name
Minister of Tourism and Sport. (2020, January 9). Bangkok flea markets: Adventurous shopping experience. Tourism Thailand.
Millburn, J. F. (2021). How to start a successful blog in 2021. Theminimalists. https://www.the
2.2.6 Articles/documents presented in academic conference (Proceedings)
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year)./Title of article./In/First alphabet of the editor’s name being a capital letter./Surname/(Ed. or Eds.),/Name of conference topic./Name of conference/(pp./page numbers)./Name of database./ or URL
Phinitchai, S., Nawaratana, N., & Tanthanuch, J. (2021). Distributional-based analysis for health care insurance claim data. In Globalization revisited: Building organization resilience with digital transformation. The 4th PIM International Conference (pp. 715-725). Panyapiwat Institute of Management. uploads/2021/03/I-Social-Sciences-and-Humanities-Part-1.pdf
2.2.7 Documents for the Conference
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year,/month/date)./Topic of conference./In/First alphabet of the Chair Person’s name being a capital letter./Surname/(Chair),/Name of conference/[Symposium]./Name of conference organizer,/Place of conference.
Wasi, N., Poonpolkul, P., & Thephasdin na Ayudhya, C. (2021, September 30). Policy design for coping with aging society. In N. Wasi (Chair), Future world money: Developing Thai digital currency [Symposium]. BOT Symposium 2021: Building a Resilient Thailand. Bank of Thailand.
2.2.8 Interview Documents
Surname,/First alphabet of name being a capital letter./(A.D. year,/month/date of the interview)./ Interviewed by/First alphabet of the interviewer’s name being a capital letter./Surname/[Tape recording]./Position of interviewee (If any),/Place of interview.
Chearavanont, S. (2021, September 30). Interviewed by N. Wanakijpaiboon [Tape recording]. Executive Chairman of Charoen Pokphand Group, Bangkok.
2.2.9 Newspapers
1) Newspaper (Printed)
Surname,/First alphabet of the author’s name being a capital letter./(A.D. year,/month/date)./Topic or article title./Name of newspaper,/first page-last page.
Sriwattanachai, R. (2014, October 24). The prefabricated generation of seasoning sauce market. POST TODAY, B3-B4.
2) Newspaper (Electronic)
Surname,/First alphabet of the author’s name being a capital letter./(A.D. year,/month/date)./Topic or article title./Name of newspaper./URL
Bangkok post and reuters. (2021, October 8). UK eases travel rules for countries including Thailand. Bangkok Post.