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Xusong Chen
Hongyan Shang


Vehicle logistics occupies a very important position in automobile manufacturing cost. In the
increasingly competitive current LD company has to reduce the cost through logistics distribution path
optimization. Firstly, this paper constructs VPN model. The model is solved by the mileage saving
method. Then, the model and the algorithm are optimized by calling the distribution of a dealer in a
certain area of LD company as an example. Finally, the optimization results are obtained.
After optimization, the number of vehicle distribution vehicles reduced from 3 to 2, the distribution
path saved 130 km, vehicle purchase, repair and maintenance, oil, labor, road costs and so on have
varying degrees. This model can greatly save the transport path and reduce the logistics cost . Through
verification , this model can be extended in the LD company in order to improve the logistics distribution
efficiency of LD company .

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How to Cite
Chen, X., & Shang, H. (2017). RESEARCH ON OPTIMIZATION STRATEGY OF LD COMPANY’S LOGISTICS DISTRIBUTION ROUTE. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 1(2), 76–91. retrieved from
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