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Hairen Liu
Guowei Hua


This research, based on stakeholder theories, selects 16 residents from representative minority sports tourism communities in Guangxi Region as the research object with local resident perceptions
(benefit perception and costs perception) as the intervening variables, in order to build a relational model for the relationship between community satisfaction and tourism support. The statistical software of SPSS was utilized to analyze the data so as to discuss the relations among community satisfaction, local resident perceptions, and tourism support. The results show that: (1) Community satisfaction affects
tourism support through the intermediary effect of resident perception (benefit perception and costs perception); (2) The support from the community residents for the sports tourism management in their community depends more on the perception of interests than the perception of cost. This study provides a theoretical basis and practical reference for scientifically assessing the role of benefit perception and cost perception, enhancing resident satisfaction with the community, and gaining more support from community residents for tourism development.

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