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Ting Liang
Shanshan Wang


This paper takes the listed companies in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry in Shanghai and Shenzhen in 2008-2018 as research samples to study the relationship between enterprise innovation ability, innovation investment and performance. Stata 15.0 analysis software was used to empirically test the relationship between innovation investment, and enterprise performance, the relationship between innovation investment and enterprise innovation ability, and the intermediary role of innovation ability on enterprise innovation investment, and enterprise performance. The empirical model of this paper differs from previous empirical studies overemphasized and widely used in the research and development investment and enterprise performance directly, one-way effect between the linear regression model, and takes into consideration the reality of the innovation of the lag effect of the existence of influence in enterprise performance, enriched and expanded the research and development investment and enterprise performance correlation models and methods of empirical research. The results showed that innovation investment has a significantly positive role in promoting the performance of pharmaceutical enterprises; innovation investment has a significantly positive role in promoting the innovation ability of enterprises; the innovation ability of enterprises has an intermediary effect on the relationship between innovation investment and corporate performance. The results should be helpful for enterprises to explore the mechanism of innovation input on enterprise performance, enrich and perfect the theory of enterprise innovation, and improve corporate performance.

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How to Cite
Liang, T., & Wang, S. (2021). EXPLORATION ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INNOVATION CAPABILITY, INNOVATION INPUT AND CORPORATE PERFORMANCE: A SAMPLE OF PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURING. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 5(1), 72–84. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/CJSSM/article/view/235386
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