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Jie Liang
Shenglong Han


This research in field of Chinese culture is based on the theory of planned behavior and the psychological ownership theory and discusses the spirit of purchase intention and its internal mechanism, the influence of this spirit on established intangible traditional artistry products, customer psychological ownership, and the original true and theory model of the relationship between the purchase intention. Moreover, Mplus 8.3 software was used for empirical analysis. The results show that craftsmanship spirit has a positive influence on customers’ purchase intention. Craftsmanship spirit affects purchase intention through customer psychological ownership, and customer psychological ownership plays a mediating role in craftsmanship spirit and purchase intention. Authenticity positively moderates the indirect effect of craftsmanship spirit on purchase intention through customer psychological ownership. The research provides elaboration on the role of craftsmanship’ s spiritual influence of the customers’ purchase intention path, the rich spirit of the traditional craftsmanship of the product and the purchase intention relations theory achievements. The traditional craftsmanship of the products in the inheritance and development of protection provides an important guiding significance to the innovation strategy and also to the enhancement of the competitiveness of the traditional craftsmanship in the creation of intangible products. Furthermore, improving enterprise performance and marketing provides new ideas and methods.

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How to Cite
Liang, J., & Han, S. (2023). THE INFLUENCE OF CRAFTSMAN SPIRIT ON THE PURCHASE INTENTION OF CULTURAL AND TRADITIONAL HANDICRAFT PRODUCTS IN CHINA. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 7(2), 161–179. Retrieved from
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