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He Qin
Xi Xi


This study aims to explore how digital entrepreneurship ecosystem embedding influences the entrepreneurial performance of startups through resource integration capabilities. By addressing the inherent disadvantages of startups in resource identification, reconfiguration, transformation, and utilization, digital entrepreneurship ecosystem embedding leverages digital platforms to effectively overcome resource constraints while enhancing the opportunity-capturing capabilities of startups, thereby improving their survival and growth rates. Based on the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities theory, value exchange and co-creation mechanisms, and resource integration and coopetition mechanisms, this paper constructs a “Digital Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Embedding-Resource Integration Capability-Entrepreneurial Performance” model. Through a survey of digital startups in the Chengdu National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone and the use of SPSS software for descriptive statistics, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis, the theoretical hypotheses were empirically tested. The results indicate that digital entrepreneurship ecosystem embedding significantly enhances firms’ resource integration capabilities, thereby improving their entrepreneurial performance. This research thus suggests that digital entrepreneurship ecosystem embedding provides an effective pathway for the sustainable development of startups and recommends that further research into its long-term application effects should be conducted.

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How to Cite
Qin, H., & Xi, X. (2024). THE IMPACT OF EMBEDDING DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM ON ENTREPRENEURIAL PERFORMANCE. Chinese Journal of Social Science and Management, 8(2), 141–156. Retrieved from
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