The Effects of Using Mu-Mo Programs to Reduce Repetitive Behaviors among Children with Autism
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The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine the effects of using Mu-Mo Programs to reduce repetitive behaviors among children with autism, 2) to compare repetitive behaviors among children with autism before and after using by Mu-Mo Programs. The target were 3 autistic students 7-10 years old, who have repetitive behaviors, healthy, unable to communicate but able to follow instructions, studying in early intervention of Singburi Special Education Center in the second semester of 2563 academic year, selected by purposive sampling. The instruments of this study were 1) the 5 lesson plans of Mu-Mo programs and 2) the repetitive behavioral observation. Data were analyzed using frequency value and percentage value. The findings were as follows; 1) the effects of using Mu-Mo Programs is repetitive behaviors among children with autism are reduced. The first children reduced 42.58%. The second children reduced 45.92% and the third children reduced 42.90% 2) After using Mu-Mo programs, the repetitive behaviors of all three children with autism were decreased when compared to before using Mu-Mo programs.
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