Development of Enrichment Curriculum to Enhance Entrepreneurship by Integrating STEM Education with Canvas Business Model for Grade 7 Gifted Science Students at The Prince Royal’s College

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Chaloemkiat Phetpoo
Somkiart Intasingh
Sakda Swathanan


The purposes of this research were to develop and study the result of use enrichment curriculum to enhance entrepreneurship by integrating STEM Education with Canvas Business Model for grade 7th gifted science students at The Prince Royal’s College. The population in this research are 5 curriculum and instruction experts and 44 gifted science students of grade 7th of 2nd semester in academic year 2021 of The Prince Royal’s College. Selecting sample by specific. This research is quantitative research. The research instruments were curriculum quality assessment form, business plan writing ability assessment form, and pitching ability assessment form. Data were analyzed by means, percentage, and standard deviation. The results of this research were as follow: 1) Enrichment curriculum to enhance entrepreneurship by integrating STEM Education with Canvas Business Model for grade 7th gifted science students at The Prince Royal’s College consist of 9 components in total: (1) Curriculum Principles (2) Curriculum Objectives (3) Course Description (4) Curriculum Structure (5) Learning Activities (6) Media and Learning Resources (7) Teacher Roles (8) Learners Roles and (9) Measurement and Evaluation. Overall, the quality of the curriculum was at the highest level. 2) The results of use enrichment curriculum to enhance entrepreneurship by integrating STEM Education with Canvas Business Model for grade 7th gifted science students at The Prince Royal’s College were a very good level of business plan writing and pitching ability.

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