Context, Diversity, and Guidelines for Conservation of Edible and Herbal Plants for Sai Mun Community Forest, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province

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Wonphadeth Weerasornlertakul
Vinai Weerawattananont
Boonlert Wongpho


This qualitative research aimed to study 1) the condition and diversity of edible and herbal plants in the Sai Mun community forest, and 2) guidelines for the conservation of edible and herbal plants in the Sai Mun community forest. 16 key informant persons were selected using purposive sampling to community scholars, folk healers, teachers, and public health officials. The research instruments consisted of an interview form for study conditions and diversity of edible and herbal plants, and an interview form for determining guidelines for the conservation of edible and herbal plants. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The results were as follows: Sai Mun community forest was a traditional community forest that covers an area of 285 rai 17 square wah and consisted of 28 types of plants, 14 types of vines, 9 types of rhizomes, 8 types of vegetables, and 1 type of grass. The problems and needs of conservation were lacking public participation, the need for participants to explore and learn, letting youth join in organizing the database system, establishing a knowledge transfer system, strong community forest committee, and organizing a ceremony. Guidelines for conservation as 1) Organize a project to create a database of edible and herbal plants, 2) prepare a constitution for community forests, 3) recruit a strong community forest committee, 4) organize a ceremony project, and 5) developing a training model for the conservation of edible and herbal plants.

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