Guidelines for the Development of Desirable Characteristics of Youth Entrepreneurs in the Educational Context

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Pichawan Yongkamol
Patchara Eamcharoen


The purposes of this research article are as follows – 1) To study the desirable characteristics of entrepreneurs, 2) To study the conditions of desirable characteristics of entrepreneurs, and 3) To suggest means for developing desirable characteristics of young entrepreneurs in educational context.  In this research, the researcher has employed documentary research, which is a qualitative research method, from different sources, which include 77 topics from theses, research articles, academic articles, and books, altogether.  The result is demonstrated as follows – 1) Having synthesized 17 documents, it was found out that the desirable characteristics of entrepreneurs consist of 5 aspects, which include creativity aspect, innovativeness aspect, enterprise aspect, aspiration for success aspect, and proactive working style aspect, 2) The conditions of developing desirable characteristics of entrepreneurs are found to include 5 aspects, which include creativity, innovativeness, enterprise, aspiration for success, and proactive working style. 3)Means for developing desirable characteristics of young entrepreneurs in educational context, from synthesizing 30 documents, consists of 5 aspects – 5 items for creativity, 4 items for innovativeness, 4 items for enterprise, 4 items for aspiration for success, and the other 4 items for proactive working style – all summed up to 21 items in total.  The suitability of means for development is highly suitable as a whole (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.48, S.D.=0.55). The aspects with the highest average score are the characteristics-developing means for aspiration for success and proactive working style (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.58, S.D.=0.52; gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.58, S.D.=0.52) The aspect with the second highest score is the characteristics-developing means for innovativeness (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.50, S.D.=43). The aspect with the lowest average score is the characteristics-developing means for creativity (gif.latex?\bar{x} =4.33, S.D.=0.85). The research result can be concluded that the suitable way for the development of desirable characteristics of youth entrepreneurs is arranging various kinds of activities in the institute, allowing the learners to practice inventing and creating innovations, fostering innovational ability, designing learning methods that encourage the learners to plan, arranging learning activities that allow the learners to realize the importance of entrepreneurship, and arranging activities emphasizing self-analysis. 

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Research Articles


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