Shallot Processing to add Value to Agricultural Products of Lathai Subdistrict, Kanthararom District Sisaket Province
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Research subject processing of Shallot processing to add value to agricultural products of Lathai Subdistrict, Kanthararom District Sisaket Province Purpose for 1) To study the current conditions of utilization of shallots of Lathai Village. 2) To study the needs of processing to add value to shallots of Lathai Village. 3) To process and add value to shallot growers of Lathai Village. The researcher conducted the research by qualitative research method. An example is a group of farmers who produce shallots at Lathai Village. 15 people the sample of this quantitative research was members of the shallot producers' group. and 400 consumers of Lathai Village shallot products. Using a method to select key informants by a specific method. (Purposive Sampling) The results of the research showed that 1) The results of the study of the present condition of the utilization of shallots of Lathai Village in summary, it was found that most of the villagers use shallots for sale as their main agricultural products will be wholesaled to middlemen who come to buy shallots from the garden Followed by household consumption, which will be used for cooking and made into local herbal medicine according to local wisdom. 2) by exploring factors that affect purchasing decisions with the 6W1H theory The results showed that shallots be processed into desserts to add value the most ( = 4.71) The standard deviation was 0.53. 3) Processing and adding value to the needs of consumers and shallot producers. of Lathai Village want to create added value by creating a unique local identity beautiful stickers and packaging and preserve the environment from natural materials that can be easily decomposed by developing packaging into 3 forms able to develop shallot products to generate additional income by creating an economy from the use of local cultural capital.
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