

  • สุวิทย์ หมาดอะดำ, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยอิสลามยะลา
  • มะแอน ราโอบ, 6852279 University of Science Malaysia


พัฒนารูปแบบ, บริการสุขภาพ, สังคมมุสลิม


This article aims to examine the youth’s basic information, study and develop the form of establishing a service center, and study the method of approaching the service of the target group and transfer service system of a youth-friendly health service center based on Muslim society context. Data collected from focus group of 48 youth from Meung District of Yala province. This inductive study was conducted by using specified representative sample.  The result found that the type of establishment of the center covers five aspects as follows. Firstly, human resources for the center should be clinical psychologists, academicians who integrating Islamic values and youth representatives. Secondly, the youth require informal and friendly service center located in Yala city. Thirdly, the public relations should be done through sign boards, journals and radio. Fourthly, service activity should cover advice various problems: education, health, peers, and academic activities. Fifthly, the service time is required official in-service time during 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on working days and during 8.30 a.m. – 9 p.m. on weekends. The result of analyzing the transferring system indicates that the center needs to use strategy in creating network and system in transferring with three steps as follow; (1) developing youth network YPFS, (2) developing network from schools and colleges, (3) developing community network. 


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How to Cite

หมาดอะดำ ส., & ราโอบ ม. (2018). โครงการศึกษาและพัฒนารูปแบบการจัดบริการสุขภาพที่เป็นมิตรกับเยาวชนภายใต้บริบทสังคมมุสลิม. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 1(2), 69–78. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/111939