กีตาบญาวี : การนำเสนอทัศนะเรื่องความศรัทธาในเชิงปรัชญา


  • ไฟซ็อล หะยีอาวัง Department of Usulluddin ,Faculty of Islamic Studies Yala Islamic University


The main propose of this study is to identify the methodology employed by the Malay Muslim Scholars especially Shaikh Da’ud al-Fatani in his major work “al-Durr al-Thamin” in discussing and presenting the problem of faith and creed in Islam.

The result of the study obviously showed that: in discussing and presenting the problem of faith and creed in Islam, the original methodology prescribed in al-Qur’an and al-Sunnah must be strictly followed. However, according to Shaikh Da’ud al-Fatani’s, he conceived that beside what had been prescribed in the vital Islamic primary sources, the logical and dialectical method could be also used for discussing the principle of Islamic faith i.e., to proof the Existence of Allah, the concept of Tahhid, the Essence of Allah, the Names and the Attributes of Allah as well.


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How to Cite

หะยีอาวัง ไ. (2018). กีตาบญาวี : การนำเสนอทัศนะเรื่องความศรัทธาในเชิงปรัชญา. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 2(3), 41–50. retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HIKMAH/article/view/112886