Development of Academic Affairs Administration Model of Islamic Private Schools in Southern Border Provinces to Make Learners Perfect Men


  • ยุทธนา เกื้อกูล, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • นิเลาะ แวอุเซ็ง, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Academic Affairs Administration, Islamic Private Schools, Perfect Men


This research aimed to propose a model of academic affairs administration towards making learners perfect men. The sample of this research divided into 3 groups. They are 1) group of questionnaire consisted of 370 samples. 2) group of an in-depth interview consisted of 15 samples and 3) groups of experts to assess the suitability and feasibility of the model consisted of 17 experts.

The results of the study indicates the suitable model of academic affairs administration that could make learners perfect men consists of 3 important components: 1) objective and principles, 2) axis and structure, and 3) implementation with conditions leading to its success. This model should be geared up by PDCA working process in connection with 5 aspects of academic affairs administration. They are 1) development of school-based curriculum which is concerned with the curriculum that is practical to Muslim ways of life, well-balanced between knowledge and ethics, and compatible with learners’ competence and learning context in order for them to keep abreast with the changing society, 2) development of technology, innovation, media and learning process which is related to the learning process that links between this world and hereafter and enables learners to translate it into real practice in their daily life. In addition, the use of technology, innovation and media should be based on religious teaching so that it could result in positive character of learners’ mind and spirit, 3) educational research and measurement and evaluation which are concerned with research conduct to improve teaching and learning and to solve learners’ behaviors. As to measurement and evaluation, it is necessary to be systematic and authentic, covering cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of learners, 4) supervision and counseling which are concerned with continuity in in-service supervision and life skills, studying, and profession guidance counseling, and 5) academic enhancement that is concerned with schools’ personnel involvement in organizing activities to help strengthen the community in regard to related knowledge, providing chance for the community to take part in academic affairs development, creating good relationship with community, setting up academic network for the community, supporting life-long learning, and coordinating with schools and other institutions to help improve schools’ academic work.


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How to Cite

เกื้อกูล ย., & แวอุเซ็ง น. (2018). Development of Academic Affairs Administration Model of Islamic Private Schools in Southern Border Provinces to Make Learners Perfect Men. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(15), 15–28. Retrieved from