Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy and Muslim Social Development in three southern border provinces


  • มาหะมะ อาบู, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อับดุลเลาะ การีนา, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy, Social Development, southern border


This article is Tasawuf's Thesis by Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy. The purpose to study is about biography of Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy and his development of Muslim society in three southern border provinces. It is descriptive study. Collecting data by using Research papers. Analysing Data by using the principle of criticizing principle, the principle of Discriminate and Observation principle. The result of study represented that  1) Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy is Sheikh Abdulqadir bin Abdulmuttalib al-Mandiliy. He was born in Sumatra Indonesia. He began to study in his town then he went to stydy in Malaysia and then in Saudiarabia until he became a teacher in Masjidilharam. He dead in Makkah. 2) He developed Muslim society in three southern provinces about adherence to religious principles, mental cleansing, Knowledge, religious practice in accordance with the provisions and ethics training


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How to Cite

อาบู ม., & การีนา อ. (2018). Sheikh Abdulqadir al-Mandiliy and Muslim Social Development in three southern border provinces. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(15), 101–109. Retrieved from