The autobiography of Tuan Guru Haji Abd al-Rasheed al-Banyariy


  • ตอเหล็บ โอรามหลง, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์
  • อับดุลเลาะ การีนา, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์


Autobiography, Tuan Guru, al-Banyariy


A study of autobiographical studies of Tuan Guru Haji Abd al-Rasheed al-Banyariy.Was a descriptive study. The purpose is to study the biography of him. Collected data by using notes, interviews and observations. Analyze data using analytical principles and created sociological imagination. By interviewing his kinship at Amuntai, Kalimantan, Indonesia. The results of the study founded that Tuan Guru Haji Abd al-Rasheed al-Banyariy was born in 1884. During his youth, he was a clever boy and loved learning. He can finish Al-Quran at the age of 7 years-old. When he was a 20 years-old, he went to study at Al-Azhar University. When he graduated, he returned home and married with Siti- Fatimah Binti Abd-Rahman Siddik and has 6 chlildren.He was study for knowledge with many-many knowledgeable people. After that he dedicated the time to propagated Islam and he has been recognized and respected by the society. He was dedicated to Islam until the end of his life in 1934.


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How to Cite

โอรามหลง ต., & การีนา อ. (2018). The autobiography of Tuan Guru Haji Abd al-Rasheed al-Banyariy. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(15), 129–135. Retrieved from