The Influence of Audit Control Auditors Affect on Audit Quality of The Audit Office In Bangkok And Vicinity Areas


  • ลัดดาวัลย์ ยอดบัว, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม
  • กนกศักดิ์ สุขวัฒนาสินิทธิ์, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยศรีปทุม


Audit Quality, Audit Control, Auditting, Auditting Firms, Public Account


This research aims to study the influence of (1) to control the auditing of account affect the quality of the auditing office in Bangkok and vicinity (2) to study the influence of control audit quality audit consists. The relevant professional requirements.  Knowledge & expertise Delegation to discuss the Consulting Division Responses to work and maintain customer tracking is enabled. Responsibility of the auditor the audit quality of audit offices in Bangkok and vicinity areas. The Audit Office in Bangkok and its vicinities, sincerity is the auditor's Office in Bangkok and vicinity areas. The number of people who use research methods, 295 quantitative research. Use of lecture by descriptive statistics (Descriptive Statistics) and regression analysis (Multiple Regression Analysis) phahu design a query in this research use questionnaire (Questionnaire) is a tool for collecting.

The research found that the Auditor in Bangkok and vicinity areas. Have a Manager. Experience in more than 15 years of audit is of the opinion regarding the classification, control the overall aspects of the list of Auditors at a high level and high side dimension. Control of audit of the auditor is the relationship and positive impact on the quality of the audit, therefore the Auditor in Bangkok and vicinity areas. Can be used as a guideline in operational audit in accordance with the requirements and changes of the international auditing standards, and enhance the performance of the Auditors of Thailand, which is accepted internationally.


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How to Cite

ยอดบัว ล., & สุขวัฒนาสินิทธิ์ ก. (2018). The Influence of Audit Control Auditors Affect on Audit Quality of The Audit Office In Bangkok And Vicinity Areas. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 8(16), 75–85. Retrieved from