Business Ethics: Management guideline for sustainable business


  • สรัญณี อุเส็นยาง, 6852279 มหาวิทยาลัยนราธิวาสราชนครินทร์


business ethics, business management, sustainable


According to the business operations, businessmen or entrepreneurs could focusing on the sustainable growth. As the businesses should not take the profit in the short period, whereas it should interest about the sustainable growth in the future. For the Sustainable growth comes from ethical business practices. This article introduces the business ethics conceptual as a guideline for a business management, which demonstrating an importance of the scope and elements of business ethics. Moreover, there will lead to sustainable business practices.


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How to Cite

อุเส็นยาง ส. (2019). Business Ethics: Management guideline for sustainable business. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 9(18), 225–235. Retrieved from