Reconceptualizing Ummatic Personality and Faculty Effort: A Case Study of Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus


  • Abdulhakam Hengpiya
  • Niloh Wea-U-Seng
  • Yuttana Kuakul
  • Sirinya Sa-i


The concept of Ummatic personality has previously been viewed from the perspective of religion and psycho-spiritual framework and its concept was examined based on documentary study. Surprisingly, little attention has been directed towards its conceptualization by considering its applicability to contemporary life and viewing the concept by examining integrated sources of both documents and field survey data. Thus, the inclusiveness of its concept remained questionable. A review and reconceptualization of the issue become inevitable. Correspondingly, this qualitative descriptive study aims 1) to reconceptualize Ummatic personality and explore its components, and 2) to examine the efforts made by the Faculty of Islamic Sciences in the process of actualization of Ummatic personality among students. The study employs a qualitative research method in which the data was gathered from documents, interviews, and focus group discussions. Key informants from the Faculty of Islamic Sciences were purposively selected consisting of four academic staff, a deputy dean of student development and alumni relations, a staff in charge of student activities, and a student club president. The collected data were transcribed and analyzed through content analysis by a research team. This study reconceptualizes Ummatic personality as a set of characteristics exhibited in a person’s responsibility towards religion, self, others, environments, and a person’s manifestation of contemporary skills. Eleven components of Ummatic personality are proposed, namely, religious beliefs, religious practices, good morality, interaction skills, preservation of environment, enjoining good and prohibiting evil, adhering to the principle of Wasatiyyah, integration capacity, logical thinking, physical health, and technology skills. The effort towards actualizing Ummatic personality was predominantly made through Halaqah (a group study) activities which emphasize the development of Ummatic personality in respect of interaction skill, good morality, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and adhering to the principle of Wasatiyyah. This study provides a useful implication in a way that it makes a good contribution to the body of knowledge as it offers an extended and all-encompassing concept of Ummatic personality. The study also offers a novel framework for developing a well-rounded Ummatic personality and the theoretical framework of Ummatic personality drawn from this study can be used to help develop its measurement in future studies.


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How to Cite

Hengpiya, A. ., Wea-U-Seng, N. ., Kuakul, Y. ., & Sa-i, S. . (2021). Reconceptualizing Ummatic Personality and Faculty Effort: A Case Study of Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 11(21), 87–108. Retrieved from



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