The Creative Leadership of the School Administrators and the Competencies of Teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2


  • Nuttakit Boonkeng Ministry of Education
  • จรุณี เก้าเอี้ยน มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • นิตยา เรืองแป้น มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • พิมพ์ปวีณ์ สุวรรณโณ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


leadership; the creative leadership of the school administrators; teacher’s competencies



             This research purposes are to 1) study the creative leadership of the school administrators under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2; 2) study the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2; 3) compare the level of the creative leadership of the school administrators under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 by categorizing gender, work experience, and school size;             4) compare the level of the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 by categorizing gender, work experience, and school size; 5) study the relation between the creative leadership and the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2; 6) compile the suggestions about the creative leadership of the school administrators and the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The samples are 295 people who work as the administrators and teachers, calculating by Yamane formula, the research tool is the 4-part questionnaire, using statistics which are frequency, percentage, average, standard derivation, T-test, F-test. As the differences are detected, then use the test by Sheffe's Method and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.


             The results were as follows:

  1. The level of the creative leadership of the school administrators under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 is great in overall.
  2. The level of the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 is great in overall.
  3. The comparation of the level of the creative leadership of the school administrators under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 by categorizing gender, work experience, and school size are not different in overall and aspects, except the work experience of the school administrators’ variations in all aspects are statistically significant differences at .05.
  4. Comparing the level of the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 by categorizing gender, work experience, and school size are not different in overall and aspects, except self-development, teamwork, and ethics and professional ethics of teachers are statistically significant differences at .05.
  5. The relation between the creative leadership of the school administrators and the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 are positive relation with the teachers’ competencies statistical significance at .01 with really high level in all aspects.
  6. The suggestions about the creative leadership of the school administrators and the competencies of teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2 are the administrators have to demonstrate how to bring the knowledge experience to create some new performances, be trusted and friendly with the school’s staffs, frequently encourage to the school’s staffs properly and creatively, allow the new information technology to administrate the school effectively.


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How to Cite

Boonkeng, N., เก้าเอี้ยน จ. . ., เรืองแป้น น. ., & สุวรรณโณ พ. . (2022). The Creative Leadership of the School Administrators and the Competencies of Teachers under Pattani Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Al-HIKMAH Journal, 12(23), 85–101. Retrieved from



Research Article